
The MIO Coalition recognizes that consumers want to support Oklahoma restaurants that serve local food. To become part of the MIO network, a restaurant must utilize a minimum number of MIO products in its culinary creations and complete an online application. MIO restaurant members who go above and beyond our membership requirements can be named Restaurant of the Month. Join MIO!

Made In Oklahoma Rococo.
Rococo on Western
4308 N. Western Ave.
Oklahoma City, Oklahoma 73118
Phone: 405-788-4404
Hours: Monday-Thursday 11am-10pm
Friday 11am-11pm
Saturday & Sunday Brunch: 11am-3pm 
                                Dinner 3pm-11pm

Restaurant of the Month


Owner /Rococo Executive Chef
Chef Bruce Rinehart spent his early years honing his craft in some of the best Kitchens in America. In 2003, he moved from Boston to Oklahoma City to open a great East Coast-style restaurant on the middle coast. Chef Bruce’s gregarious personality is directly responsible for the relaxed, yet attentive, service you can expect from Rococo restaurants.

At Rococo, food is Love…and we adore serving that love to you, our wonderful customers. We appreciate the uniqueness of each person who walks through our doors. So, we designed our new Western location menu with YOU in mind. Whether it be the freshest seafood from New England, clams and mussels, lobster roll, or our famous crab cakes, we know you will love what our team has planned for you!

So come enjoy a special dining experience in a comfortable environment as we celebrate your strengths, your unique personality, and your magnificence…YOU. Welcome to Western. Much Love!

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